Currently, sailor-sailor is accepting requests for wholesale accounts. Our curated collection of clothing has drawn attention with its American tailoring, upscale patterns, and signature fabrics. If you are an interested retailer, please call us at 203-803-0488 or complete our wholesale inquiry form below.
We will be showing our collections several times a year at the upcoming wholesale shows. Our representatives are available for your convenience. Please reach out so they can come and see you on the road.
Our Sales Reps:
The Northeast/Mid Atlantic Representative is Dana Thompson. She may be reached at or at 908-655-8504.
The VA/NC/SC Representative is Susie Hill. She may be reached at or at 484-925-9888.
The Southeast Representative (Florida/GA/KY/TN) is Bill Dabney in Suite 9N313 at Atlanta Apparel.
He may be reached at or at 404-527-6670.
Upcoming 2024 Wholesale Shows:
September 10-13 Mountain Golf Show at Asheville Biltmore Park Hotel
September 22-24 Coterie at Javits NYC #7454
October 15-18 Atlanta Apparel Market Building 3 9N313
October 20-22 NEAC Providence
October 27-29 Trendz Show West Palm Beach Convention Center
(Bill Dabney Booth)
Wholesale Inquiry Form
Complete the form below, and our sales representative will be in touch.